Mining, Ores, and Aggregate
From extracting and crushing to moving raw materials, rock, ores, and aggregates – Worldwide Electric’s motors, controls, speed reducers, and generators are built to resist harsh environmental conditions and heavy daily usage.

Avoiding Equipment Failure & Reducing Downtime.
Worldwide Electric’s distributors partner with cement plant owners, operators, and facility managers to ensure their equipment is operational and working as efficiently as possible — day-in, day-out. We understand the costs of running heavy machinery or taking a plant off-line, especially with decreasing margins from production to market price.

Equipment Manufacturers, Packagers, and Solutions Providers
Our standard products provide consistency and reliability for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and product packagers. We have what you need in stock and ready to ship. Contact us today because the reliability of your equipment depends on the source and reliability of your components.

Our products aren’t limited to crushing rocks.
The diversity of our products also aid in several other size reduction applications: cement, pulp & paper, the timber industry, and even food industries for the rolling out of items like pasta on large roll mills.