Buy over $1,500 of Farm Duty Motors and Get Free Shipping*

(FM & FD Series)
WorldWide Electric’s single-phase Fractional and Integral Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Farm Duty motors support general-purpose agricultural applications, such as moving materials on conveyors, lifts, screws, augers, and elevators, or for driving fans and centrifuges when ventilating, drying, or aerating storage bins and buildings.
Plus! All promotional orders also get entered into a drawing to win a Yeti Cooler.

*This promotion is valid from June 1 until June 30, 2024. For every $1,500 Farm Duty Motors purchased (FM & FD Series), we will ship the products and any other products or accessories on the same order for free. Use the promotion code at order entry. Free Shipping applies to orders within the continental US Only. Accounts must be in good standing before the order is placed. The Drawing for a Free YETI® Cooler will be held on July 5th.